Note: This article is for the newly redesigned module. This updated module is in the process of being rolled out and may only be available to some users.


The Asset Manager is a great tool for tracking a wide variety of assigned items. It can be used for both long-term and short-term assignments, and provides an easy way to see which items are currently available and which have already been assigned. You may also track building assets such as parking or storage spaces. If you do not currently see the Asset Manager in your building site, please contact BuildingLink support and we’ll be able to assist you in turning on the module.

Note: Click on the images to enlarge them.  

Table of Contents

General Settings for the Asset Manager


If you are a Management or Security Officer BuildingLink user, you can decide if you’d like Front Desk and Maintenance level users to be able to view and use the Asset Manager.

You can change the permissions by going to Manage, then selecting Asset manager, and clicking  Settings at the top of the page, or by going to the Settings tab and selecting Asset Manager

You may choose who can view and use the Asset Manager and use the toggles to turn asset types on and off based on your building's needs. You may also edit the category by clicking the pencil icon or change the fields by clicking the pencil icon under Characteristics. 

When you edit categories, you can use the checkboxes to activate the category option.
You may also change the name if you see a category your building will not use but would like to add a different option.  Check the box to show on the Unit Overview if needed. 

Viewing/Adding Asset Information

To view/add/edit asset information, go to Manage, then Asset manager.  

Asset Categories and how they can be assigned

  • Appliances: Can only be assigned to the physical unit.
  • Rental:  Can be assigned to a specific occupant in a unit
  • Parking Spaces: Can only be assigned to the occupancy of the unit.
  • Storage Spaces: Can only be assigned to the occupancy of the unit.
  • Property Assets: Cannot be assigned to a unit or an occupancy; they are designed for internal tracking use only.

Select an asset type to add, remove, or edit. You may choose from the tabs across the top or from the list on the Dashboard page. 

Click the Add button in the upper right corner to add a new asset. 

In this example, we selected parking spaces, so we will click Add parking space.

The information will be based on the characteristics selected on the Settings page. This means you will see different fields for different categories. Fill out the information; none of the fields are required. Once you are done, click Save.  

If you are entering multiple assets, check the boxes of what you would like to duplicate for the next asset under "Save and add another using." Click Save and add another.


Assigning/Changing Asset Assignments

If you did not assign the unit to the asset during creation, you can add the unit later. 
Go to Manage, then Asset manager. Next, choose the type and use the filters as needed. 
You will see the option to Assign. Add the Unit, as well as the Start and End dates, to indicate when they will be using the asset, if applicable. Don't forget to click Save. 

You can now see their information on the list. If you need to change the assignment, click Change to assign it to a different unit. You may also remove the unit so the asset is unassigned by clicking Remove.

Viewing/Exporting Asset Information

You will find asset information under Manage, then Asset manager. Choose the category you would like to view to see the current list. You may use the filters for the Unit, Text, Category, Status, and include deactivated to narrow down the search.  Click Export to Excel to export if needed. 

Within your search results, you can click on any of the column headers to sort by that column.  To export a spreadsheet of asset information, click the Export to Excel button.

You will also find asset information from the Unit Overview.