
Parking Permits allow you to create, issue, and track custom parking permits for your property. 

Note: Click on the images to enlarge them. 

Table of Contents

Parking Permits Settings

When you click on  the Manage tab and select Parking Mgmt, you will see a Parking Permits tab across the top of the page. If you do not see this tab and would like to use Parking Permits, please contact BuildingLink Support so we can turn the module on for you. 


If applicable, you can create parking areas. For example, if you have a front lot and a back lot available for guest parking (maybe only one of the two lots can be used for overnight parking), you’ll want to set up separate parking areas. To do this, click on the header Permit Parking Areas Setup. If you do not have separate parking areas, feel free to skip this step. 



Then, enter the parking area name and click Save. 


Next, you’ll need to create types of Parking Permits available for use. To do this, click on Permit Types Setup and select Add Permit Type. 


On the Settings screen, decide what the Permit Type will be called and enter any rules specific to the permit. You can also set which parking location can be used with permits of this type. 


Select if residents can print their own permits and if permits of a certain type can be sent via email. 


Next, set your start and expiration times, # of allocated permits, and preference for counting multi-day permits. 


If you have a fixed number of guest parking spaces, be sure to limit the number of permits that can be concurrently active. This way, if all of your guest parking spaces are full, BuildingLink will not allow you to print a guest parking permit until a space becomes available. 


Next, specify what should happen when a unit's allocation limit has been reached.


Finally, select your desired format for printed permits. 


When you are done with your settings, click the green Save button.


Issuing a Parking Permit

To issue a new permit, click on the green Issue a New Permit button on the top left hand side of the screen. (Please Note: If you haven't set up your permit types yet, do that first!)


Next, enter the unit number to which the permit will be issued and select the appropriate permit type. For each permit type, you'll also be able to view the total number remaining for the unit in question (Ex. if each resident is only allowed 10 per year and the resident has already been issued two permits, you will see the text "8 remaining.") If you wish to quickly view a history of any past permits of the selected type issued for the selected unit, click the View History button.


Depending on your settings for the permit type in question, you may or may not be able to adjust the permit start and expiration times. Next, you'll be able to enter the contact info, vehicle info, and any additional notes. Once you've entered the license plate number, you can also click the View Plate History button, which will display a list of past permits issued for that license plate number. 



To quickly reissue a parking permit for the same person/vehicle, enter the license plate number and click the View Plate History button. Next, click Copy to copy the vehicle info and contact info from a previous permit into the current permit. 



When you are satisfied with your permit, click Create Permit (if you don't need a printed copy) or Create and Print Permit (if you wish to save and print the parking permit). 

Viewing/Reprinting Parking Permits

To view current or past parking permits or to print/reprint issued permits, click on the View Issued Permits tab at the top of the screen. Enter your desired search parameters - you can even search by the vehicle's license plate number! Click Print to reprint the permit.


Terminating/Voiding Parking Permits

If you would like to terminate a parking permit, click the View button next to the correct permit. This will pull up a screen that allows you to Void or Terminate the permit.