Equipment Overview

If your building is using the Parking Permits module, you may choose to print parking passes from a small thermal receipt printer instead of a standard letter-sized printer. (Printing from a standard printer will get you a parking pass with larger text, but you'll have some unused paper left over.) If you choose to use a receipt printer for optimum efficiency, the recommended model is the Epson TM-T20 Receipt Printer or MUNBYN ITPP047. 

Note: Click on the images to enlarge them.

Installing a Receipt Printer

The Receipt Printer should be installed through our Connector app. To install your Receipt printer, visit Installing and Troubleshooting Peripherals with Connector. 

Once the printer is installed, set it as the default printer.  To do this, click on your Start Menu and select Devices and Printers. Right click on the Epson TM-T20 printer icon and choose “Set as default printer.”



The next step is to set the printing preferences. Right click on the Epson TM-T20 icon (as depicted above) and choose “Printing preferences.” Click on the “Layout” tab and change the settings to match the screenshot below. Once you are finished, close the "Printing Preferences" window.



Now open Internet Explorer. In Internet Explorer, click on the File menu, and select "Print Preview." If you do not see the file menu, press the ALT key on your keyboard to display the file menu. Once the Print Preview page is open, click the Gear icon to open the settings page.



Next, change the information on the Settings page to match the screenshot below, and click OK



You should now be setup to correctly print parking permits on the receipt paper. Make sure to choose "Receipt Printer" when creating the permit, as pictured below.