
The Board Options module displays any residents who have been designated as Board Members for your property. In order for a Board Member to view items with Board viewing permissions, they must be marked as a “Board Member.” This module will also display any library documents, calendar events, or survey questions with board member specific viewing permissions.

Note: Click on the images to enlarge them. 

Table of Contents

Adding or Removing a Board Member

To set a resident as a Board Member, search for their unit # or name in the
Quick Search field to bring up the Unit Overview page for that unit. (If you have Board Members who do not own/occupy anywhere in the property, please contact BuildingLink Support. We can set up a “Board Unit” for you so that you’ll still be able to use the Board Options module.)

At the top of the Unit Overview page, click on the Occupants tab.

Next, click the blue Edit Occupant button to the right of the board member’s name.

Scroll down to the Security & Permissions section. Click Yes next to the field Board Member Status. Next, choose the board member's title from the drop-down menu below. Finally, click the green Save Changes button in the top left corner. You should now see the Board Member’s name under “Board Members” in your Board Options section.



To remove a board member, follow the steps above but click No next to the field Board Member Status.

Board Member Access Settings

Residents marked as “Board Members” will always be able to view any Calendar entries, Library documents, or Survey Questions with “Board” permissions. However, you can also set some additional global permissions for Board Members in the Settings section. To view the settings for your Board, click on the Settings Tab and select General Building Set-Up Options.

Use the dropdown menu to navigate to Section 12, Board Options, where you’ll see all Board settings. Here you can decide if Board Members should be able to view all contact information for all residents in your property, and/or if Board Members should be able to view all Maintenance Requests for all units in the property.

Board Topics Bulletin Board Category

If your property has the
Bulletin Board turned on for residents, you can activate the Board Topics category. The Board Topics category is visible only to the Board, and can act as a message room for Board Members. Once it’s activated, Board Members can post discussion topics for other Board Members to view and comment. (These posts do not require approval and cannot be viewed by management unless management logs in as an actual Board Member).

To activate the Board Topics Bulletin Board category, go to the Settings tab, select Resident Posting Categories, click the Show Inactive checkbox at the top of the screen, click the Edit button for the “Topics>Board Topics” that now appears, set the status to Active, and then click Save.

Viewing Board Options

To view all Board Options, click on the Manage tab and select Board Options.

 You should see a list of all current board members at the top of the screen. Any Management or Security Officer level user can
add or remove a Board Member from this list.

 “Send a Message” will show any Board-Only Message Links. To view the settings for your current message links, or to add an “Email to Board” link, see
Message Links.

You’ll also be able to view any Library Documents, Survey Questions or Calendar Entries that have been given specific “Board” permissions. Checking your Board Options tab is a great way to confirm that you’ve assigned “Board” permissions to the correct documents.