
The Filtered Groups functionality allows you to create specialized, dynamic groups of occupants - for the purpose of sending targeted emails - based on location, custom field information, data in the Pet Registry, and/or occupant type. You can use filtering rules to narrow down very specific groups of residents which will automatically adjust based on data present in the system currently (i.e. if you create a group for "pet owners," and a new resident moves into your property with a pet, they will automatically be added to this recipient list without you needing to take action to edit the group). 

Note: Click on the images to enlarge them. 

Table of Contents

Adding Filtered Groups

To create a new Filtered Group, click on the Manage tab and select Filtered Groups. Next, click the green Add New Filtered Group button. 




You'll be taken to a screen where you can assign a name to your group (ex. "Gym Members"). Next, you'll add the appropriate rules to control which residents are part of your group. For example, if you were creating a gym membership group and only wanted owners to be part of this group, you would add an Occupant Type rule first to select only owners and then save this rule. Then, you would add a Custom Field rule in which you can indicate that the gym membership custom field should equal "yes." There is no limit to how many rules you can add in order to construct the group that meets your needs! 

Editing/Deleting Filtered Groups

To edit/delete a Filtered Group, click on the Manage tab and select Filtered Groups Next, click Edit next to the filtered group you wish to edit or delete. To delete the group entirely, simply switch the Active status from "yes" to "no." To remove a rule associated with the Filtered Group, click the Delete icon next to the rule you wish to remove. You can also add additional rules by clicking the Add  Rule button or edit any rule by clicking the Edit icon next to the rule you wish to edit. Be sure to click Save when done editing your rules or changing the active status of the group.


Emailing by Filtered Group

Once you've created your Filtered Groups, you will be able to select these groups as recipient lists for emails. Simply go to the Communicate tab and then select Send Email. Click onType/Group button, expand the Filtered Groups section, and select the group you intend to email. You can then continue to compose your email to this group of recipients. Remember, once you properly configure the rules for your groups, there is no need to manually adjust the recipient list each time you need to send an email to a group, since the groups dynamically adjust to include any occupants meeting the criteria you configured.