Note: This article is for the newly redesigned module. 

This updated module is in the process of being rolled out and

may only be available to some users.


A superuser is an employee or resident who has access to more than one BuildingLink account. Superusers are given a special dashboard that allows them to easily toggle between the accounts they control, whether it's a resident account, an employee account, or both. There is no limit to how many accounts can be combined together in this manner.  This article will focus on the employee superuser option.

Note: Click on the images to enlarge them.

Table of Contents

Creating a Superuser Account 

To create a new employee Superuser, email BuildingLink Support, [email protected], and provide:

  • The user's preferred username to keep. (All other usernames will be permanently removed.)
  •  What level of authority they should have for each respective property (Security Officer, Manager, Maintenance, Front Desk) 
  • What specific properties the user needs access to.
  • Management approval from each property to which we are giving access or existing login credentials at the properties.

To add properties to an existing employee superuser, email BuildingLink Support, [email protected], and provide:


  • The user's existing superuser username or email address.
  • What level of authority they should have for each respective new property (Security Officer, Manager, Maintenance, Front Desk) 
  • What specific new properties the user needs access to.
  • Management approval from each property to which we are giving access or existing login credentials at the properties.

Accessing Properties From The Superuser Dashboard 

To access your properties from the Superuser Dashboard, on the landing page (the Property details tab), click Login to this building to the right of the building's name. You may also use the SuperUser Dashboard dropdown menu on the upper left to choose a property or search your buildings. 

Once you log in to a building, you can switch to a different building using the SuperUser Dashboard dropdown menu. You may return to the dashboard by clicking Back to Dashboard.

Using The Property Details Tab Dropdown 

From the dashboard, you will see a high-level overview of information for each building. You can use the "Show" dropdown menu under the Property details tab to see a quick overview of information for each building. These options include:

  • Management contacts
  • Public Displays
  • Employee birthdays (next 3 days)
  • Open maintenance request counts
  • Calendar events
  • Management and board contacts
  • Move in/Lease begin
  • Move out/Lease end
  • Properties

Using The Other Dashboard Tabs

On the dashboard, you will also see several other tabs. Below is a list of the different tabs with an overview of what information they will allow you to see:

  • The Employees tab, you can see and search for the employees at each property.
  • The Subaccounts tab shows the properties you have access to under your superuser profile.
  • The Address book tab allows you to view resident and their contact information. Contact information is sorted by property, followed by unit number.  You can filter your search by resident name, unit number, and email address.
  • The Maintenance tab shows maintenance requests, which can be filtered by unit, resident name, date, status, and, in advanced search, by category.
  • The Maintenance by category tab provides a report showing requests by category, filtered by date.
  • The Download data tab allows you to download maintenance request data and unit profile data. For Maintenance requests, the date range is limited to three-month increments, and for unit profile data download, there is the option of including deactivated units.

Resetting Your Superuser Password

To reset your password, click here.