
The Special Permissions module allows you to override default permissions for specific employees or user types. This module can give lower-level staff members "special permissions," like the ability to approve reservations, approve incident reports, issue payment refunds, or send email blasts. When adding special permissions, you can choose to give permissions only to specific staff members (ex., John Smith and John Doe can approve amenity reservation requests) or choose to give permissions to all users of one access level (Ex. all front desk users can approve amenity reservation requests).  

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Table of Contents

Adding Special Permissions

There are up to four categories of Special Permissions available depending on which modules you have active on your site. Reservations (Amenities), Privacy, Configuration and Design, and Purchase Orders. 

To add special permissions, click on the Settings tab and select Special PermissionsThe Special Permissions link can be found by scrolling to the bottom of the Settings page. 

Click the green plus sign button next to the permission you wish to add to expand that menu.

Next, click Add New User. You'll be prompted to select either an employee or select a user type. Depending on which permission you are adding, you may also see a list of options in the Permission Setting section where you can dictate the exact nature of the permission. 

Click Save to save the permission. 

If you wish to give more than one employee permission, continue to click Add New User for each specific employee or user authority level you wish to add, and continue as instructed above. 

Viewing/Editing Special Permissions

To view the special permissions enabled for your property, click on the Settings Tab and select Special Permissions. Click the green plus sign button to expand the menu for each category. 

Existing special permissions enabled for that category will be displayed inline. 

Editing or Deleting Special Permissions

To edit an existing special permission, click Edit next to the permission you wish to change; the Permission Settings will then display and become editable. Click Save to save the changes. 

To remove the permission entirely, click the Delete button. A confirmation window will display; click OK to confirm.