
Settings for the Event Log are controlled by the Event Types option in the Settings tab. (Only Management and Security Officer users have access to Event Type settings.) All Event Types are grouped under specific headings (Event Groups) to make it easier to track and view those items. Your Event Types are customizable and should reflect the items or people that you receive and track at the front desk or office, as well as any other items for which you need to capture signatures, photos, or maintain an item or event "history." 

Table of Contents

Common Event Types

Most buildings will use the following Event Types, grouped as listed:


1. Event Group: Incoming Deliveries

  • Fedex, Envelope, DHL, UPS, USPS, Perishables, Package, Pharmacy, Flowers, Other, Etc. 


2. Event Group: Outgoing Items

  • Laundry Pickup - When laundry is left by a resident for someone else to pick up. 
  • Pickup - When an item is left by a resident for a resident or non-resident to pick up.
  • Package Return - When a package is left to be picked up by a carrier.


3. Event Group: Keys

  • Keys In - When a resident leaves a personal key at the front desk or leasing office for someone else to pick up.
  • Keys Out - When a key that is primarily kept at the front desk or leasing office (Ex. in a lockbox) is given out to a resident, contractor, or vendor. 

4. Event Group: People

  • Visitor - Visitor event types typically require a signature upon arrival and close automatically, meaning no one needs to sign out the visitor when he/she leaves.
  • Contractor-In - Contractors often require a signature and/or photo upon arrival. Your property may also use our label printer to print out a Contractor badge.  

Adding Event Types

To add an Event type, click on the Settings tab and select Event Types.


Next, click the green Add New Event Type button in the top right corner.


You'll be taken to a screen where you can name the Event Type, decide on a grid color for it, choose an icon, and indicate the Event Group to which the new Event Type should belong. Next, decide how the Event type will work: will it appear on the Open-Event Grid to later be closed manually (Set Status to "Open") or will it close automatically upon saving (Set Status to "Closed")? (Note: Most commonly, items tracked in the Event Log will be set as "Open.") In addition, you will be able to specify if a signature, photo, or ID is needed to save an Event of this type. If you are using the Dymo label printer to print package labels or badges, you can set your desired label format. Finally, you can specify notification options and choose whether or not events of this type will appear on the Public Display.


Make sure to click Save.


Changing Event Types

To change or review the settings for an Event Type, click on the Settings tab and select Event Types. You'll be taken to a screen that displays all Event Types. Click Edit next to the Event type you wish to view/modify.

For an explanation of the settings on the Edit page, click here. After making any changes, click Save. *To remove an Event Type, set it to Inactive, and click Save.

Editing Event Groups

To change the Event Types in a particular group, click Edit next to each Event Type you wish to move, and select the group to which you'd like to move them. Click Save