
The Front Desk Instruction settings allow Manager and Security Officer level users to create and edit Front Desk Instruction Types, set automatic notifications related to instructions, and configure module settings, allowing you to personalize your BuildingLink account.  You can view or update your Front Desk Instructions settings from the Front desk instructions grid by clicking the gear icon to the right of the page title or from the Dashboard, clicking on the Settings tab, and then selecting Front desk instructions.

Note: Click on the images to enlarge them.

Table of Contents

Suggested Instruction Types

Your Instruction Types should reflect the categories under which you'd need to record and track guest authorizations (or any other instructions residents might give to staff or management). Your notifications options and module configuration should reflect your property’s specific operations.

Most buildings will use the following Instruction Types:

  • Broker Access
  • Housekeeper/Dogwalker
  • Permission to Enter Temporary
  • Permission to Enter Permanent
  • Do Not Allow
  • FD Instructions from Management (as an internal instruction type for staff to use)

You may also wish to add the following Instruction Types:

  • Out of Town Instructions
  • Mail or Newspaper Hold
  • Internal Notes
  • Resident Preferences
  • Caretaker
  • Permission to Enter Temporary (with a specific expiration date for "maximum stay")

Add Instruction Types

To view or add the Front Desk Instruction Types from the Front desk instructions grid click the gear icon or from the Dashboard click on the Settings tab then select Front desk instructions.

Next, click the green Add New Instruction Type button. 



If using KeyLink, you may also choose if you would like the instructions to show in KeyLink when removing a key.


Be sure to fill out who can add, view, and edit this types of instruction. If your building allows subtenants, make sure to define whether owners should be able to view/edit instructions entered by subtenants, as well as enter their own.

If your residents are allowed to submit this type of instruction, you may add additional information to be displayed to them. Check the box next to Add a message for residents when they submit an instruction of this type to display the message box.


You may customize the confirmation message shown to residents once the instruction is submitted
Check the Add a message to the confirmation screen after submitting an instruction of this type checkbox.


You have the option to include a liability waiver that residents must agree to in order to submit the instruction. Check Require a liability waiver when submitting instructions of this type checkbox. 

You may choose how the resident can confirm they agree to the waiver, either by checking a box or typing Yes in a text box.  You can then add a title and the waiver text.



If your building is set up to send notifications to management, you can choose to override the default notification email address or add more email recipients in the Email Notifications section.


*If default instruction notifications are not set up for your building, you can add them from the Front desk instructions grid by clicking the gear icon and selecting Notifications.

You may choose to automatically expire Instructions. Select if the expiration is optional, required but not limited, or required with a specific limit. You can set a default time if needed as well.


Last, you can also choose to prompt for a resident signature when instructions are entered by staff members and/or capture scanned documents for specific instruction types.



Edit Instruction Type

To edit Instruction Types from the Front desk instructions grid click the gear icon or from the Dashboard click on the Settings tab, and then select Front desk instructions.


Click the Instruction Type to edit.

Use the numbered drop down menus to change the Instruction Type order when creating the instruction. 

For an explanation of the settings on the Edit instruction type page, see the Add Instruction Types section above. After making any changes, click Save. To delete an Instruction Type, change the Instruction type status to Inactive.



Notifications allow you to send automatic notifications to staff or residents when certain actions related to instructions are taken. To view or edit instruction notifications from the Front desk instructions grid simply click the gear icon and then select Notifications or from the Dashboard click on the Settings tab, select  Front desk instructions, and then select Notifications.  Once you have selected your desired notification options click Save


Module Configuration

Here you can set what users have access to add and remove photos from instructions as well other settings not available in individual instruction types.

To view or edit the module configuration from the Front desk instructions grid simply click the gear icon, and then select Module configuration or from the Dashboard click on the Settings tab and click on Front desk instructions, and then select Module configuration.  Once you have selected your desired module configuration options click Save.