
Library categories and subcategories can help your BuildingLink Library stay organized and easily searchable. The Library Categories section in the Settings tab controls category options for the Library Module. (Only Management and Security Officer users can access Library Categories settings.) Library categories and subcategories can help your BuildingLink Library stay organized and easily searchable. For example, instead of leaving one Library category for 'Board Meeting Minutes," you could create subcategories to organize your minutes by month and year. Library categories can also help you highlight a particular document so residents can very easily access it via a button on the resident homepage.

Table of Contents


Adding Library Categories and Subcategories

To add a new library category or subcategory, click on the Settings Tab, scroll down, and select Library Categories.



In the following window, a list of all existing active Library Categories will be displayed. Click the green Add New Library Category button in the top right corner to add a new category or subcategory. 


Settings for the new Library Document Category will display in a popup window. 

To add a new category (heading category/not subcategory), type in the name of the category next to "Category Name," and leave the dropdown menu that follows on "Not Applicable." 

If you wish to add a subcategory, type in the name of the subcategory next to "Category Name" and choose its heading category using the dropdown menu. 



If you'd like to create a separate button on the resident homepage that links to documents in this category/subcategory, select "Yes" where prompted, and enter the text you'd like displayed on your button. 

Choose your icon from the dropdown menu. 

You can preview your home page button by clicking Preview Your Button. The preview will pop up on screen in a small new window. 

Hit Save to complete the creation of your new Library Document Category or Subcategory. 

If you selected to display a homepage button, the new button would now be displayed on your resident site in the Building Info button stack(s)


Change or Review the Settings for a Library Category

Click on the Settings Tab and select Library Categories. You'll be taken to a screen that displays all library categories. Click Edit next to the library category you wish to view/change.

The settings window for that category will display in an onscreen popup. 


After making any changes, click Save. To archive, a category, set it to "Inactive."