
The Instructions module allows residents to record guest authorizations like "permissions-to-enter," as well as other notes related to their unit.

Note: Click on the images to enlarge them.

Table of Contents

Current Instructions

If Front Desk Instructions are enabled for your property, you’ll see the option to view them on the Home Page of the resident portal under the "Building Info" section. To view, add, edit or expire any instructions click on the My Front Desk Instructions button.

If there are any current Front Desk Instructions in the system for your unit, you will see them under the "My Front Desk" Instructions section.  If you want to view the details of an instruction or edit an instruction simply click into it. 


Adding a New Instruction

To add a New Instruction, click the blue Add Instruction button.


Fill out the form from top to bottom starting by specifying an Instruction Type. (Please note, Instruction Types may vary by property)



Next, use the Instruction field to communicate any information you would like the staff to know (Ex. "My dog walker comes every Tuesday and Thursday, please give her a key", "My brother will be staying with me for the weekend", "Please do not allow anyone up to my unit before calling" ,etc.). 


If the instruction is temporary, specify a Start date and an Expires date to let the staff know the desired duration for the instruction.