
The Send Email module allows you to send emails to building staff, management, and residents. You have many options for choosing your recipients, with the ability to send email blasts to everybody (depending on your level of access), email blasts to specific types of occupants, and even email blasts by location (floor/line).

Note: Click on the images to enlarge them.

The Updates

  • Scheduled Email Delivery: Plan and dispatch your emails at the most opportune times, ensuring consistent and timely communication with residents. 
  • Easy Image Embedding: Enrich your emails with easily embedded images, adding visual appeal to your messages.
  • Advanced Formatting Options: Craft more engaging and professional-looking tools with our improved formatting tools.
  • Innovative Email Templates: Use our all-new templates to streamline your communication process, ensuring efficiency and brand consistency.
  • Expanded Attachment Limits: Accommodate larger files with ease, thanks to our increased attachment limit of 40MB (body + attachments).

Table of Contents

Email Settings

To set the default “from” email address for all manual emails, go to the Settings tab and select General Building Set-Up Options. Scroll to section (4) Default “From” Email Addresses and enter the default email address.  

You can decide if employees should, by default, send manual emails from the default email address or the email address saved in their BuildingLink user profile. Either way, the employee will always be able to edit the “from” field when sending a manual email.

Viewing Sent Emails 

To view sent emails, click on the Communicate tab and select Send Email. This will take you to the Inbox tab that displays messages sent to recipients of any message links you've set up as well as any automatic notifications generated by BuildingLink to building staff. Selecting the Sent tab displays any emails manually sent by you or by staff. Finally, selecting the Notifications tab will show a history of any automatic notifications sent to residents via BuildingLink. These notifications are even broken up by module for your convenience! If you prefer, you can also use the search function at the top of your mailbox to find messages by date range, recipient, or subject. 

You can also resend any previously-sent message from the Mailbox. Just click on the message you'd like to resend and click the Resend button. You can even make changes to your recipients and/or text before resending!

Sending an Email

To send an email through BuildingLink, click on the Communicate tab and select Send Email and click the Compose button in the top left corner of the page. 


When sending an email, you’ll see the default "from" email address in the “From” field. However, you can always replace this email with another email address by clicking on the "From" field.(For example,  you could type in the super’s email address if responses about a water shutdown should go directly to him.)Your name will auto-populate as well, but you can choose to alter that in the moment, or use the building name by checking or unchecking the boxes below those options. 


Next, choose who should receive the email by clicking any of the options via the blue links on the right (detailed below) or by typing in specific units, occupants, or employees using the "To" field. 



Exclude: This allows you to "Exclude non-resident owners" which will omit any owners with renters in their units from your recipient list, so that only people actually living on-site will receive the email. If you have future occupancy enabled for your property, you will also see the option to "Exclude future occupants" here. 

All OccupantsThis allows you to email all residents/occupants in the BuildingLink database.

By location: This allows you to select occupants based on their location. You can choose to email everyone on the East side of the building, for example, or everyone on the A line. 


  • Occupant types: This allows you to select occupants based on their type, such as Owner, Renter, Roommate, Family Member, etc.
  • Filtered groups: This allows you to choose a specific filtered group.
  • Email groups: This allows you to email members of a specific email group.
  • Residents: This allows you to select occupants based on units.
  • Employees: This allows you to email all employees, all employees of a specific type (Ex. Front Desk or Management) or select specific employees by name. 
  • Board Members: If Board Members are applicable at your property, and they are coded in the system, you can also select them here. 
  • Message Links: If you've created message links in your Building Directory (Ex. Email the Board, Email the Communications Committee), you can email those groups by selecting Message Links.




Additional Recipient Options

Selecting More will give you the option to If you have Opt-Out enabled for your property (meaning that residents can be opted out of receiving routine emails), you will see an option to "Override 'Opt-Out' Settings." Selecting this option will send to all residents on your recipient list, regardless of their opt-out status. 


If you'd like to view a list of your selected recipients’ names and email addresses, click the blue View Recipients link. A box will pop up that displays all contacts in the “To” field of your email. If you'd like to export this, you can select the Export button in the bottom right corner. Once you’ve selected your recipients, type in the Subject and Message for your email then click Send.


Using Templates

If you'd like to customize the look and feel of your email, select one of our editable templates by clicking Templates then Use an email template.

You can view templates that your building has created, your saved content, and templates that BuildingLink has created for you. If you'd like to use one of these templates, click on Use template.  To learn more about creating and editing templates see our help article on email templates


Adding Images

You can embed images into your email body by clicking on the image icon in the toolbar.

You can either upload an image or search our image gallery. If you search for an image in our gallery, you can enter in a keyword and the image gallery will provide you with a list of images you can use.

Adding and Designing Email Signatures

If you'd like to send your emails with customized signatures, simply click the Signatures icon in the editor’s toolbar. If you've already designed and saved any signatures, they will appear below. You can click on any of your signatures to add them to the end of your email. To design a new signature, simply click Manage signatures option. 

Printing an Email for Recipients

If you'd like to create a printable copy of your email for recipients that might not have emails in the system, select the option to Print then select Create a printable copy. Once selected, you can choose to print copies for any of the options detailed below:

Occupants with no email addresses or opted out: If you'd like one hard co per occupant without an email address or who has opted out.  

Units with no email addresses: If you'd like one hard copy per unit where nobody has an email address specified.

All units: If you'd like one hard copy per unit, regardless of whether or not they have an email address in the system. 

All occupants:  If you'd like one hard copy per occupant, regardless of whether or not they have an email address in the system. 

Once you make your selection, click Generate PDF. This will open a PDF file of automatically individualized and addressed printable hard copies of your exact email which can then be distributed via mailboxes or underneath doors. If you don't have a printer attached to the computer you are working on, you can also choose to save the PDF copies on your computer then email them to yourself (as an attachment) to print them from a computer with printer.

Adding Attachments

To add an attachment to an email, click the Attach button on the bottom left and select a file to attach from your computer. BuildingLink supports email attachments up to 40MB in size for total attachments and body of your email. 

Scheduling Emails

To schedule your email to be sent out at a later date, click the Send Later button on the bottom right below the body of your email. Next select a future date and time, then click Schedule and your email will be sent then. The email will also appear in the Scheduled folder in your mailbox if you need to make any changes to it before it is sent out.


Sending Email Using the GEO app