
Special Email Groups allow you to save a group of residents to a contact list. This makes it easy to email a specific group of people without needing to select each individual resident every time you send an email. The Special Email Groups at your building could include "Yoga Class," or "Financial Committee," to name just a couple examples. If you'd like to create a dynamic list of people that pulls from real-time custom field data (Ex. All residents who have pets in their units), see our Filtered Groups page instead.  

Note: Click on the images to enlarge them.

Table of Contents

Adding a Special Email Group

To add a Special Email Group click the "Communicate" tab and select "Manage Special Email Groups". Within the Special Email Groups, click "Add New Special Email Group".

You’ll be prompted to enter the name of the email group and then select the contacts that should be in the group. To choose specific residents or employees, click the "Residents" or "Employees" link.

If you select "Residents" , you can choose from any of the search options, or add specific residents by clicking "Find Occupants" and leaving the search field blank. Click the blue "Search" button to pull up a full list of all of your residents. Use the check boxes to select all the residents who should be in the Special Email Group; next, select "Add to Recipient List"

After selecting all contacts for your Special Email Group hit the green "Save" button.

Editing or Deleting a Special Email Group

To change or delete a Special Email Group, click on the "Communicate" tab and select "Manage Special Email Groups." 

You’ll see a list of all current email groups. Click the "Edit" button next to the group you wish to change or delete.

You’ll be taken to a screen when you can make any necessary changes to the name of the group or the contacts in the group. To remove the entire special email group, click “No” next to “Active:” Click the green "Save" button to save your changes.

Viewing Special Email Groups

To view all  Special Email Groups, click on "Communicate" and select "Manage Special Email Groups" To view inactive email groups, be sure to click the “Show Inactive Special Email Groups” box at the top of the screen.

Sending an Email to a Special Email Group

When sending an email, you will be able to select a Special Email Group under the Type/Group option. To learn more about sending an email, click here.