
The KeyLink Dashboard is the home screen for using KeyLink. Below you will see screenshots of each part of the KeyLink Dashboard along with descriptions of how to use them.

Note: Click on the images to enlarge them.

Table of Contents

Drawers Section

This section shows you how many drawers you have connected to your system, the names of your drawers and how many keys you have in each drawer. It will also show your drawer connection status.

Keys Out Section

This section gives an overview of keys currently out of the system (unit #, time removed, key recipient). Clicking on the specific key will provide even more details such as time overdue, signature, photo (if captured) and who gave out the key.

Recent Alerts Section

Here you will see important alerts about sync status or unauthorized drawer openings. 

To Do Section

Here you will see notifications about SmartTags placed in the drawer but not registered to any unit and clicking on the specific tag will provide information on how to register it. You will also see notifications about keys placed in the wrong system. 

In the lower middle part of the screen you will get notifications about peripherals and disk space. Common messages are "disk space is low" and peripherals that may be disconnected such as the backup device, fingerprint reader or signature pad. 

At the bottom of the screen you will see four navigation buttons detailed below. Depending on your KeyLink Role you may or may not have access to use these buttons. 

  • Reports: KeyLink Admin level users can pull a drawer's activity report. This is useful if you cannot access this information in BuildingLink for any reason.
  • My Account: Allows you to access Fingerprint Management where you can enroll fingerprints for easy access, and Key Fob/PIN management for registering an Emergency Red Fob.
  • Administration: Allows KeyLink admin users to configure drawers and peripheral devices. It is most commonly used for troubleshooting, or quickly viewing certain KeyLink reports and settings. 
  • About: Provides information about the KeyLink application version and updates. 
  • Sync to BuildingLink: KeyLink automatically syncs to BuildingLink every sixty minutes. However, you can use this button to manually sync to BuildingLink whenever you make changes and need them to take effect right away. For example, if you just added an employee in BuildingLink and want to enroll their fingerprint in KeyLink.