Note: This article is for the newly redesigned module. This updated module is in the process of being rolled out and may only be available to some users. 


The maintenance settings allow Manager and Security Officer level users to configure module settings, set automatic notifications related to maintenance requests, and customize printed work orders, maintenance categories, and predefined maintenance responses. 

Most buildings are set up so both residents and staff can submit maintenance requests through BuildingLink. The Maintenance module can also be set to "Internal Only," which prevents residents from submitting maintenance requests online. If you would like to turn the "Internal Only" option on or off (or turn the entire Maintenance module on or off), please contact BuildingLink Support.

You can view or update all other Maintenance settings by going to the Maintenance tab, selecting Search Requestsclicking the gear icon to the right of the page title, and selecting Maintenance settings.

Note: Click on the images to enlarge them.

Table of Contents

Maintenance Request Options

Maintenance request options allow you to customize your maintenance request form fields and permissions for staff and residents. 

To view or change your maintenance request options, go to the Maintenance tab, select Search Requests, click the gear icon, and select Maintenance request options.

Next, work your way down the page selecting the settings that work best for your property operations, and click the Save button when you're done.

Notification Options

Notification options allow you to customize your automatic maintenance notifications to management and residents. 

To view or change your Maintenance Notification Options, go to the Maintenance tab, select Search Requests, click the gear icon, and select Notifications options.

The first option will allow you to select the events that should trigger a notification email to building management. Once you've selected which notifications you'd like to receive, input the address or addresses of the person(s) who should receive those notification emails. You can then select the events that should trigger a notification email to your residents; at the very least, we recommend automatically notifying the resident when a request has been opened or closed. If you'd like to easily communicate with your residents about specific maintenance requests, then it's also a good idea to notify your residents when "Building staff posts a comment." Remember to click the Save button at the bottom of the page.

Work Order Options

Work order options allow you to customize printed work orders. To view or change your work order options, go to the Maintenance tab, select Search Requests, click the gear icon, and select Work order options.

Ways to Use Maintenance Categories

Maintenance/Repair Categories allow you to customize what kind of maintenance work you want to track at your property. If you wish to pull detailed maintenance reports through BuildingLink, it's a good idea to create detailed maintenance categories.

Default Maintenance Categories

  • Electrical
  • Plumbing
  • Central Plant
  • Common Areas
  • Heating - A/C
  • Elevators
  • Condensation Riser Leak
  • Doors & Locks
  • Exterminator
  • Appliances
  • Windows
  • Vandalism
  • Floors
  • Other

Many buildings will add the additional categories and optional subcategories:

  • Sinks, Faucets, Pipes - These are common subcategories to add under Plumbing
  • Stove, Refrigerator, Dishwasher - These are common subcategories to add under Appliances
  • Light Bulbs, Outlets, Switches - These are common subcategories to add under Electrical
  • Leaks
  • Landscaping
  • Preventative Maintenance
  • Noise Complaint

Adding Maintenance/Repair Categories 

To view or add maintenance categories, go to the Maintenance tab, select Search Requests, click the gear icon and select Maintenance Categories, or from the Dashboard, go to the Settings tab and select Maintenance/repair categories. Next, click the Add category button.

You'll be taken to the Add category window. If you wish to add a new main category, type in the category name in the field under "Category name" and leave the following dropdown menu under "Parent category" on No parent category.

If you wish to add a subcategory, type in the name of the subcategory in the field under "Category name" and choose a Parent category from the following dropdown menu under "Parent category."


Next, you can choose if this category should be used by staff only (and not residents) and set any notification options specific to this category; these will override your default maintenance notification settings from Notification options. In addition, you can define instructions to be shown to residents and add liability waiver text.  Finally, there are options to display a line of text on the printed work order and to add a button for this category on the resident portal. Click Add category.


Editing Maintenance Categories

To view or edit maintenance categories, go to the Maintenance tab, select Search Requestsclick the gear icon, and select Maintenance Categories, or from the Dashboard, go to the Settings tab and select Maintenance/repair categories. 

Click on the Maintenance/Repair category you wish to view/change. You'll be taken to the Edit category screen. To remove a category, set the "Category status" to Inactive. After making any changes, click Save

Adding Predefined Maintenance Responses

Predefined Maintenance Responses settings allow you to create a list of frequently used comments (i.e. work complete, private work, on hold, etc. that can be easily selected when commenting on maintenance requests. The comments you create here will appear in your Predefined Maintenance Responses list to be used when editing maintenance requests

To add a new predefined maintenance response, go to the Maintenance tab, select Search Requests, click the gear icon, and select Predefined maintenance responses, or from the Dashboard, go to the Settings tab and select Predefined maintenance responses.

Next, click the green Add response button. Type in your response title, which will help you to find it in your list when you wish to select it; the title will not be included in the text of your actual comment. Finally, type the comment text you wish to add in the “Response text” box and click the Add response button.

Editing Predefined Responses


Predefined responses can be edited when commenting on a maintenance request. However, if you wish to edit an existing predefined response globally, go to the Maintenance tab, select Search Requestsclick the gear iconand select Predefined maintenance responses, or from the Dashboard, go to the Settings tab and select Predefined maintenance responses.

Click on the predefined maintenance responses you want to view/change. You'll be taken to the Edit response screen. To remove a response, set the "Response status" to Inactive. After making any changes, click Save response.