
The Announcements tool allows management level users to create text or image-based communications to share with residents on the Public Display, Resident app, and Resident site. You also have the ability to distribute your announcements across these same channels and send an email with one click.

Table of Contents


How do I create an image-based announcement?


You can create announcements using a pre-existing template or upload your own PDF or Image. Navigate to the Communicate tab and then click Announcements to get started. 


To create an announcement using a pre-existing templates for easy formatting, click Create Announcement and select the From template option. Next, click on the template option you’d like to work with, and you’ll be taken to the next step, where you can edit the content and the background image. 




To change the background image, click on the Edit Background Image option. You can search for an image to use online or upload your own image. 



If you already have a flier you’d like to use for your announcement, you can easily upload it as a PDF or image and simply give it a title. 


How will my residents receive the announcement?


Once you’ve created your announcement, click the Next button to select how you’d like to distribute the announcement. You can choose to only show the flier on the Public Display, Resident App, and Resident site or send it by email… or both!  



Can I schedule when I’d like the announcement to go out?


Yes! When selecting how you’d like to distribute the announcement, you can specify the day and time you’d like the email to go out!



Can I save an announcement as a draft?


Yes! Once you’ve started creating an announcement, you’ll see the option Save draft so you can come back to it anytime!



How do I delete announcements? 


If you’d like to clear out some old announcements or drafts under the Announcements section, mouse over any announcement, and you’ll see the option to delete the announcement. 



To discard an announcement you’re currently working on, click on the Discard option.