
The Alterations module allows you to track the progress and details of any renovation, decoration, or alteration project around the building. For example, if two units in your building are being combined, this module will allow you to compile details about that construction project in one convenient place.

Table of Contents

Inputting a New Project to the Alterations Module

In order to begin inputting a new alteration project, you can go to the Other tab and then select Alterations.


By clicking the Add New Project button in the upper right-hand corner, you can then fill out the form pertaining to your project. You are able to indicate who the project owner is (which apartment) and whether other units are also included in the alteration work. Select a project type, value, status, and input a description of the work. You can also store contact information for the project owner(s), contracting, and architecture companies. The screenshot below displays all of the fields available to you when inputting a new project, and you may choose to use as many or as few as you’d like in order to accurately track the work being performed.


Tracking Projects that do not Pertain to Residents

Many of the alteration projects you need to track may be around the building itself -- a lobby renovation, work on the building’s exterior, landscaping, etc. As always, rather than selecting a resident’s unit as the “Project Owner,” you can select the Management Unit, which represents any non-residential space in your building.

Viewing all Alterations Projects

From the Other tab, you can select Alterations to view all alterations projects ever recorded in your building. By default, the “Completed” status will not be selected in order to give you the most up to date view of currently ongoing projects, but you can simply check off Completed in the Search Projects panel at the top of the page and then click the Search button if you would like to see past alterations. You may also use this search panel to isolate projects for a specific unit or to see one type of project at a time (i.e. just Repairs rather than Decorations).


Placing Notes on Alteration Projects

While in the Other tab, select Alterations, and then click into any of the projects displaying on the grid. This takes you to a page from which you can either edit the project details, using the Edit button in the upper right, or add a note to the log, using the button in the lower right.


Clicking Add Note to Log will give you a textbox to enter your notes in, and just like the rest of BuildingLink, this module will track the date and time your note was added. When viewing the log, you can isolate notes, changes (made by editing the project details), or you can simply view all activity.