
The Replicate function is used to replicate a Maintenance Request across multiple units. This is useful if you receive numerous complaints about the same issue--perhaps you've installed new washing machines in all units, and then receive 20 identical complaints that the washing machines in those 20 units are leaking, for example. The Replicate function allows you to create one maintenance request and replicate it across those 20 units to maintain an accurate record, but you don't have to enter 20 separate requests. 

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Table of Contents

Replicate a Maintenance Request

The Replicate Request button is located in the navigation menu under the Maintenance Module


Replicating a Maintenance Request Across Multiple Units

To replicate a Maintenance Request, click the Maintenance tab and select Replicate


Enter the Request ID# of the Maintenance Request you'd like to replicate. (This number can be found via the Search Requests screen or at the top of a printed Maintenance Request.) 

Then click Search to continue to the next screen. 


On the next screen, you'll see a summary of the Maintenance Request you're about to replicate. If this is the correct request, click Next 


After clicking Next, you'll be taken to a screen that allows you to choose the units (or floors/lines) for which you choose to replicate the request. Note that selections work like a filter. Selecting a floor and a line will only result in units that fall in that line AND on that floor. Click Seach to display the results below in a table. 

To display all unit results, leave the field at the top of the screen blank and click Search  Select All.


Once the proper units are selected, click the blue Replicate button at the bottom of the screen. Once you've clicked Replicate, your newly-created requests will be active and visible by clicking the Maintenance Tab and selecting Search Requests. 

Using the Replicate Function to Replicate a Recurring Request

You can also use the Replicate function to create a recurring Maintenance Request for multiple units. Simply enter a recurring Maintenance Request ID# when selecting the request you intend to replicate. 

Suppose you need to test every Carbon Monoxide Detector in every unit once a year; for example, you can create a Recurring Task for the Carbon Monoxide Detector Test for only one unit. When the Maintenance Request for that unit populates every year, you can simply replicate that request across all units. That way, you can quickly create many Maintenance Requests while only scheduling one as a recurring task.