
The Recurring Tasks module is intended to help staff remember when to perform regularly occurring maintenance jobs (i.e., cleaning filters, building walk-throughs and inspections, landscape maintenance, etc.). It allows the manager and maintenance level staff to input preventative maintenance tasks or any other tasks which occur at regular intervals; once input, the system automatically generates new maintenance requests for these tasks at the specified intervals. 

Note: Click on the images to enlarge them.

Table of Contents

You can find Recurring Tasks located under the Maintenance Tab. 

Inputting New Recurring Tasks

To begin inputting a Recurring Task, click on the Maintenance Tab, select Recurring Tasks, and then select the Recurring Tasks option from the menu. 

Next, click on the Create New Task button. 


The following window's first section Task Definition, is nearly identical to the New Request screen when inputting a single maintenance request. If you're unfamiliar with this form, you can visit the help topic for Inputting a New Request

The second section on this page, Task Scheduling, allows you to set up the frequency your task occurs. First, specify the time interval that matches when this task should be performed using the drop-down menu; you'll see options ranging from as frequently as "Every Day" to as infrequently as "Every 5 Years." 

If your task should be performed on specific days of the week or particular months of the year, select one of those options using the checkboxes below the interval drop-down menu to select those days or months.

If you choose an interval like "Every Day" or "Every Year," the "Starting Date" field will control when your task is generated.

You can select an end date for your task if you wish or choose the number of tasks to stop generating after being reached.

You can create a seasonal bypass during which your task will not occur. Check the box and enter your dates. 

You can also send email notifications to staff members when a new task of this type is generated or when the task has ended. 

Check the box for these notifications, the recipient(s) will be pulled from the 'Maintenance Notifications' section of your building's general settings. 

You can override the notification email address(es) by selecting the second check box and inputting the recipient's email address(es) in that field.


Additionally, recurring tasks can be set to email an outside party, such as a vendor, with specific instructional text included.


When you have completed the form, click the Save button.

Searching/Editing Recurring Tasks

To search for a specific Recurring Task, click on the Maintenance tab, select Recurring Tasks, and then select the Recurring Tasks option from the menu. Use the search panel to look for an existing task created for your building. You can search for tasks that have already ended or inactive tasks.

Clicking Advanced Search will expand more search options such as Unit, Include Deactivated Units, Equipment Category, Equipment Items, or interval. After making your selections, click Search to display your results onscreen. 

Once you locate the appropriate task, you can click anywhere on that line to open the request and edit any specifications. 

Commenting on Open Recurring Tasks

Your open recurring maintenance tasks will appear in the Maintenance module under the Search Requests section, just like any other maintenance request that is input by staff or residents. Once a task appears on the Search Requests page, you can comment on that request the same way you would on any other maintenance request.

Viewing the Recurring Tasks Forecast/Schedule

Once you have input recurring tasks and scheduled the interval at which they occur, you can view a forecast of upcoming tasks by going to the Maintenance tab, selecting Recurring Tasks, and then clicking on Recurring Tasks Forecast. 


On this page, you can input any date range and search to see any tasks scheduled during that time frame. In addition to the date range, you can also search for a specific task or tasks falling under a specific maintenance category.

After clicking Search, your results will display onscreen and can be exported to Excel or as a PDF.