
Predefined Maintenance Responses settings allows you to create a list of frequently-used comments that can be easily selected when commenting on a work order. The comments you create will appear in your Predefined Maintenance Responses list, to be used as shown below. 

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Table of Contents

Adding a Predefined Response to a Maintenance Request

When adding or editing a Maintenance Request, you can insert a customizable predefined message as a comment so you don't have to type a standard response every time you want to communicate with a resident or management about the status of a Maintenance Request. 

First, you will click to "add a comment to the activity log". Next, you will choose a predefined message from the menu in the box located to the right of the comment box. When you select the message you want to add, click the "Insert Response" button located next to the green plus sign on the right hand side. When finished, click the green "save comment" button on the bottom right hand side of your screen.

Creating Predefined Responses

To create a predefined maintenance response, click on the "Settings" tab and select "Predefined Maintenance Responses". Next, click the green "Add New Response" button. You'll be prompted to title your response, which will enable you to find it in your list when you wish to select it; the title will not be included in the text of your actual comment. Once titled, type the text of the comment you wish to add in "Response Text." Finally, click the green "Save" button.

Editing Predefined Responses


Predefined responses can be edited situationally when commenting on a maintenance request. However, if you wish to edit an existing predefined response globally, click on the "Settings" tab and select "Predefined Maintenance Responses". Click "Edit" next to the response you wish to change. You'll then be able to edit the response by highlighting the text that appears and typing over it. Be sure to click the "Save" button when you are finished editing.